The Messiano Pellegrini Law Firm operates in advisory and litigation, with emphasis in the following areas:

- Administrative Law;

- Business Law;

- Contract Law;

- Corporate Law, and;

- Tax Law.


Interface with local, state and federal agencies mainly in Audit Courts;

Representation in federal regulatory agencies: CADE, ANTT, ANVISA, ANAC, ANEEL and ANATEL;

Protection of interests of the client in public bids, and;
Representation in litigation related lawsuits of administrative issues.


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Litigation representation in issues related to routine of legal entities, such as collections, and other civil matters in general, and;

Structuring and support the constitution of the Board of Directors.


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Preparation, analysis and negotiation of business contracts in general;

Design and implementation of guarantee contracts (bail, mortgages, liens etc.).

Making complex contractual structures to meet not only the interests of one client, but also of economic group, and;

Representation in litigation lawsuits related to contatual area.


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Formation and structuring of companies or foundations;

Examination of documents and regularization of companies and foundations in public agencies;

Legal advice or mergers and acquisitions;

Legal audits in the acquisition or organization of control of commercial companies (\"due diligence\");

Consultancies related to corporate law, and;

Procedural representation in lawsuits related of corporate law.

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Tax Offsetting;

Queries taxes (municipal, state and federal);

Tax consulting;

Tax litigation (municipal, state and federal);

Tax planning;

Recovery of indirect taxes, and;

Special arrangements.

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Avenida Paulista nº 1.636 - 7º andar - sala 706.
Bairro Cerqueira César - Município de São Paulo/SP
CEP: 01310-200